Aug 27, 2020
Is there too much disparity between the haves and the have-nots in baseball? And how does MLB compare to other sports in this regard? Listen to this segment from August, 2018, where Scott and Pesach argue about the relative parity in baseball compared to the NBA, NFL, and NHL. (Part two of this discussion will be...
Aug 25, 2020
Stolen bases don't accomplish very much... except when they do. How can we square the mathematical fact that they aren't very valuable, with the historical fact that sometimes they represent the difference between winning and losing? Also: Miguel Cabrera is going to the Hall of Fame, and deservedly so. But we're...
Aug 18, 2020
Last week, Pesach demonstrated that almost every pitcher gets worse each time through the batting order, and - now that teams have figured this out - starting pitching may never be the same. But does that mean that the great pitchers' duels are a thing of the past? Does that rule hold true even for the greatest...
Aug 11, 2020
It's a few weeks into the 60 game season, and certain trends seem to be sticking - not the least that hitters can barely hit (as evidenced by an MLB-wide .231 batting average). Are pitchers that much better, or have managers figured out a better way to use them? Join Pesach and Scott for a deep dive into pitching...
Aug 4, 2020
The Marlins are suffering from an outbreak of the coronavirus; Pesach points his finger at Don Mattingly, saying that he should be fired as a result. (And yes, this was discussed on the Baseball Rabbi Discussion Group on Facebook - but Pesach has a lot more information now and thinks it's even more egregious that the...